Human trafficking is a tragedy. Over 40 million people around the world today are being exploited for the financial gain of their traffickers. Men, women, and children are living in modern day slavery, an industry that generates billions each year. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and so we hope you will pause for a moment to consider the issue.
It’s a problem right here in El Salvador too. We are working to prevent this evil among those who are vulnerable, and to help those who have survived to find healing. Factors like poverty, violence, gang involvement, and family disintegration put people at risk of being trafficked. It feels big and heavy.
What can we even do when we are faced with such a huge and global evil? Today we want to give you four simple ways to fight back.
As people of faith, we can fight back on our knees as we pray for laws that protect the vulnerable, for the demand to stop, for the corruption to end, and for the survivors to find justice and healing.
Educate yourself.
Do you think you would recognize trafficking if you saw it? The reality is the sensationalized images we see around the internet or in Hollywood movies don’t really provide an accurate picture. Educate yourself because no matter what field you work in, there is a way that you can be prepared to confront human trafficking. We recommend the Ending Human Trafficking podcast. It’s full of information about what the issues really are, and how we can fight against trafficking in our own communities.
Jumpstart a survivor’s business.
Through our partnership with Free The Girls, we are able to provide inventory for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation to begin a new business and find economic freedom. This will facilitate their confidence, healing, and growth as well as prevent them from being re-trafficked. It’s as easy as donating a new or gently used bra.
Join our team.
We are working in El Salvador day in and day out to provide holistic support for survivors. It’s a long and complex process that requires everything from coaching to job training, therapy to social support, Bible studies to recreation. We are committed to providing dignifying opportunities and loving, respectful care to walk with the survivors we serve each day toward true freedom and healing. You can give a one time donation, or you can sign up to sponsor the Lighthouse Resource Center on a monthly basis. Donating to our work means you are directly impacting the lives of survivors in El Salvador each day.
Yes, the problem of human trafficking is big. But we can always do something right now, right here, today. We hope that this month you will consider joining us as we work to fight against trafficking here in El Salvador and around the world!